Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
I'm sorry that I'm not going to do a big entry today but I pulled into work today...and got a text message from my buddy Heavy J - "Dude, I just heard about your work? Are the rumors true? Is it closing?" My immediate response was "What the hell are you talking about? I just pulled in." So I walk in...and there's managers and associates crying in the lobby. Not good. "$teve, go speak with Boss Lady." Okay. I speak with Boss Lady...and the Mad Scientist is in her office too. Long story short, I still have a job (for now) but about 3/4 of my fellow associates are out of a job coming April 17th...including Boss Lady. Not at all what I was expecting today. Details of the transition were explained...and the Mad Scientist and I left...because crying women is my Kryptonite...and apparently we all get the day off with pay because of the news.
We had pulled pork sandwiches at Slo Jo's while discussing the heartwrenching news...and I decided to spend the next three hours calling friends & coworkers to give them the details and inform them whether or not they still had a job before somebody else called them up and caused them great worry. It wasn't the greatest day of my life. Also not the worst. Bubbles & I met up for lunch too...but I didn't eat. We just talked about work and what we were going to do now. I hate to say that I saw this day coming for a while...but obviously I was hoping for another year or so. Silly me, always looking at the bright side of things, maybe this can be a good thing for some people. Sometimes you need that little motivation to get out and do something that you've always wanted to do...but never had the courage to do it. Nothing gives you courage like getting kicked out on your ass, I guess. It just really sucks.
I'm obviously not worried about me...because I still have a job (again, for now) but I also have two college degrees that I don't use, a safety blanket stowed away for a rainy day, and a supportive family and network of friends & contacts if something should happen. Unfortunately, not many of the hundreds of friends & coworkers have the same luxuries...and it breaks my heart. I've known some of these cats for over a decade...and though some of them may be hired on the different departments that we're keeping, most of them will have to seek employment elsewhere...and at a fraction of the pay...and still have families to raise. I actually feel horrible for still having a job...but luckily not for long (thank you egocentric delusions).
Please, if anybody out there knows about a good job that's looking for great employees, please let me know so that I can pass it along to those who are not as fortunate as me. Many of my blog readers are these associates and if any of you are having trouble finding good employment, please let me know...and I'll call in favors with my you with resumes, job interviews, Microsoft Word, whatever you need. My heart goes out to you and I wish you the best. Please stay in touch too. I know it's still three months away until that day...but I don't wanna miss you. The world needs more cool cats...and my world needs them too. I'm sorry if I'm depressing anybody further with this...but just let me know and I'll do my damnedest to hook you up. It's what friends are for.
As for tonight, I'm calling for an Emergency Movie Night!!! Beverages, funny movies, possible frontal nudity, Rock Band, all the above. Come one, come all!!! Don't be like this guy...
Damn that sucks. Unfortunately, I live in Austin, TX, and work at a used book store, so I can't be of much help on the job front.
That's cool, Pleatherface. I appreciate the thought.
Man, that does suck. Especially when the job market is tough. Two to three months is also a short time to be given to land something new, so hopefully those affected will start their searches asap.
Yeah, I'm hoping that they do too. The managers and stuff are offering their assistance and everything...but yeah, some people have been doing this for decades. Oh well, all we can do is adapt, right?
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