- It's a Rags to Riches story - "I come from the gutter. With the right woman...there's no stoppin' me. I go straight to the top." From a communist prison to an American citizen to the American Dream to a Bolivian target, everybody likes to root for the Underdog. Through hard work, passion, determination, wits, muscle, loyalty, and a desire for nothing but the best, Tony Montana made it big.
- It Takes Two to Make It - "I want what's coming to me." "Yeah, and what's that?" "The world, chico...and everything in it." Everybody needs a Manolo. Everybody needs that great friend/significant other to help you along the way. Tony had the drive, plan, desire, and passion, but Manny was there to take care of the follow-through and making sure all the bills got paid. Basically, he was like Tony's wife...and ended up sleeping with his sister. Sorry if I'm spoiling it...but you'd see it coming anyway. Regardless, when it came down to it...both got their work done...and well. Bill Gates needed Paul Allen. Michael Jordan needed...four other people on the court with him. Bobby Brown needed Whitney. Napoleon needed a stack of dictionaries to stand on. Thomas Edison needed somebody to pay the electrical bill while he researched. Throughout history, great things have been achieved by people who had somebody else there with them along the way. Without Manny, there is no Scarface.
- He Speaks from the Heart...and the Balls - "All I have in this world...is my balls and my word...and I don't break 'em for nobody." There's a lot to be said about somebody who can be whole-heartedly honest in basically every situation...even when not appropriate. If he likes you, he lets you know. If you step up in his scarred grill, he's right back up in yours. If you try to have him killed, he'll make damn sure it was you, and return the favor. Speaking from the heart is something that...well, basically is losing its truth in today's age. Guys will often pretend to speak from the heart in order to get some...thing they want. Girls will do the same thing too. However, it's always admirable to hear somebody really speak from the heart...and letting others know how they feel. No BS, no remorse, and as little hesitation as possible...but dramatic pauses help to emphasize.
- Cocaine's a Hell of a Drug - "Lesson two - Never get high on your own supply." Ah, the dangers of being an international druglord are expressed in this movie as well. Crooked cops, rival druglords, traitors from within the organization, federal investigations, political agendas, hitmen, all these and more had their crack at Tony Montana's empire...but what ended up doing him in? Yayo. With a Rick James-like dosage mixed in with his Cap'n Crunch every morning...along with a steady regimen throughout the day, Tony's paranoia and inebriated thought process ended up with him making bad decisions that brought upon his downfall. Again, sorry to spoil it...but it is a Greek tragedy set in Miami.
Anyway, there are other reasons...but those are the major ones. I suggest that anybody who hasn't seen it, check it out. Also, if you're interested in attending future movie nights (complete with alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages, fun conversation, and snacks), please let me know and I'll try to keep you posted. I think our next one is going to be "Breakfast Club" (never seen it) but then again, it's not my choice, it's Bubbles.
Spitsofrantic All Over the Place - My good buddy Spitso is having a show tonight at Northern Exposure and will be getting some radio airplay for the next few days on KRCL 90.9 here in the Wasatch Front area. If you're interested, there's also an interview with the future legend himself on the TV Ogden MySpace page. Sorry I didn't get this information out to you sooner...but I'm not his publicist (yet) and I just got the text. Again, wish him luck in about a month when he & Soulshakers Entertainment compete in the next round of the Bodog Battle of the Bands in Las Vegas, Nevada. Let me know if you want details...or just visit his MySpace link. It's worth a look...and a listen.
New Hottest Chile Pepper - Researchers at New Mexico State University have found a new Guiness record holder for the hottest chile pepper. It's called the Bhut Jolokia and originates in India, where it is cultivated by a group of satanic pepper practictioners who double as computer service technicians known as the Untastables. At the testing, it reached one million SHUs (Scoville Heat Units), nearly DOUBLE the old record holder. The name Bhut Jolokia translates to "Ghost Chile" and is said to have the taste of molten lava left out in the sun. I just thought that you'd like to know that there IS at least one thing out there that I wouldn't willingly eat.
Let's see, now to end the blog on a high note. Hmm, well, I did see "Barbarella" this morning before coming to work. It was the first time in a long time...and I must say, I'd watch it again...but next time, I need to have friends around me to share in the experience. It's truly one of the great horrible movies of all time. It even starred the late master mime Marcel Marceau briefly. Though I'm still researching the Orgasmitron, I like to think that I personify a little better with Pygor than Dr. Duran Duran. Why? He's a blind angel...but he has the best lines in the whole movie in my opinion. "An angel doesn't make Love., he IS Love" and "An angel has no memory." Two things that I feel all the time, especially the latter. Anyway, maybe a future movie night movie...and in the meantime, here's a picture of Jane Fonda as Barbarella...and another picture of her kissing Presidential candidate Stephen Colbert...and then a picture of her grabbing my junk. Love!!!
I am ashamed to say I have never seen "Scarface" or "Barbarella" (Jane was rockin' that outfit!) I am just so sheltered...I have however, seen "Breakfast Club" Great 80s flick.
Happy 150th!!
Ah, thank you Jlee. You should definitely check out those movies when/if you get the opportunity. Well, maybe not Barbarella...but at least it's good eye candy. The Black Queen isn't bad either.
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