Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Welcome back to your local news & nonsense superblog,
Dr. Mookie Love's The Eclectic Color.
Remembering the King - Elvis Presley passed away thirty years ago today at his home, Graceland. Today, thousands are expected to pay tribute despite the triple digit, muggy temperatures of Tennessee. Elvis was a legend of Rock & Roll...and the Rock & Roll lifestyle. Drugs, women, music, booze, money, gluttony, all the things that make everybody want to be a rock star...basically he took the examples of those before him...and took them to higher highs & lower lows than anyone. Oh yeah...and his music wasn't bad either. Today, I found it funny in this article that he's the 2nd highest grossing dead celebrity...behind only Kurt Cobain. That means that Courtney Love is getting more cash than Priscilla Presley. That's not justice. Ladies & Gentlemen, I say that we donate to the cause...of cutting Courtney off. You want money sweetheart? Get a job like everybody else. No more living off your Grunge God husband. Priscilla worked in movies. Everybody's seen the "Naked Gun" movies. She was amazing. Anyway, pay your tributes to the King tonight by putting on some "Love Me Tender" and fry up a peanut butter & banana sandwich. Wash it down with some Blue Hawaiian drink with a parasol...and if you feeling like showing your gratitude to somebody, simply say "Thankyaverymuch..."
It was Only a Matter of Time - Former All-Star MLB player & current minor league baseball player Jose Offerman hit a home run at his first at-bat of the game yesterday. Then, his next time up, he was hit by a pitch...and in retaliation, instead of an unsportsmanlike display of vulgar language & graphic gestures...he attacked the pitcher & catcher with the BAT. As a child, I always wondered why the guy never ran to first base with the bat, and now I know the answer? It's against the rules of the game. Oh...and it's called assault too. Now the insanity has spread from football to baseball. Which sport is next? Tennis? Is Maria Sharapova gonna snap & ace a few balls into the stands? Sumo Wrestling? Is Yokozuna Hakuho going to run into the stands like Godzilla flop a Bonzai Drop on the audience? This is ridiculous. Test the man for 'Roid Rage.
Rule #25 of Baseball - The Pitcher is not a Pinata!!!
Get Smart - So I was hanging out with my dad this weekend & we watched "The Return of Maxwell Smart" on AMC or something. I really enjoyed the TV show "
Get Smart" with Don Adams and the subsequent movies. A few days later, I'm searching through the Playstation Online Store for some cool downloads...and I see a preview for a "Get Smart" movie starring Steve Carrell coming in March 2008. HOW DID I MISS THIS? Well, "Get Smart" has just joined "
The Dark Knight" & "
Iron Man" as my anticipated movies for next year. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, do a favor for yourself & check out the "Get Smart" series on TVLand or whatever oldies station you can find...and you'll laugh hysterically. While you're at it...if you like James Bond...but have seen them too much & become cynical...or just like a laugh, you can also check out James Coburn in "
In Like Flint" (basis for Austin Powers movies that I'm sure you've already seen) and Rowan Atkinson in "
Johnny English." Anyway...Get Smart...coming soon...yay!!!
Now That's What I Call a Sticky Situation - Gotta love South Park...and this story. The "Duct Tape Bandit", possibly the worst supervillain ever on the old Batman TV series, was apprehended by Ashland, Kentucky police. 24-year old
Kasey Kazee (parents please...stop with this stuff) was put in a choke hold by a liquor store employee until the cops showed up. There's really not much else to say except...stay in school kids...or else you'll put duct tape on your face, try to rob a liquor store, & be the laughing stock of the NATION!!! If you don't think that you should go to college, just check out my last blog entry's motivational sayings again. Print it off & put it on your wall with duct tape for all I care...but don't be Kasey Kazee!!!
Airline Security Measures - Have you ever been stuck in an airport in the security line...and wondering "Gosh, why do we have to have all our bags checked? I've got a plane to catch." This is why. In Egypt, a man was trying to smuggle reptiles including cobras, infant alligators, and chameleons onto the plane to sell on the black market in his luggage (not stated whether it was crocodile skin or leather). That's right ladies & gentlemen, Samuel L. Jackson was not on that plane!!! Who would have saved us from this threat of Snakes on a Plane??? The Flight Marshall? Possibly. Luckily, we had the security checkpoint stop it before it started...and avoided a much unneeded sequel to a movie that shouldn't have been made in the first place. On the lighter side, his cargo will be given to the zoo for exhibit instead of to local fashion designers for accessories.
Hurricane Flossie - I just wanted to show this article about Hurricane Flossie being downgraded...because it was a hurricane...named Flossie. Does anybody out there know a Flossie??? If you do, please let me know & send me a copy of their birth certificate...because Flossie to something I hear wanna-be rappers say once in a while as a pointless adjective. "She was all straight flossie, son." "What? Is that the Queen's English?" Imagine if this hurricane had devastated the Hawaiian islands. How sad would it be to see the aftermath...and then you hear a 300-pound Samoan with a pending scholarship to the U or BYU say something like "I don't know how we're going to rebuild after Flossie. It's going to be tough...but we're a proud people...and Flossie won't keep up down." I would laugh hysterically...and then hate myself...but what's important is that I laughed.
That's ugh...about all I have to say really. Oh, I bought
Madden 2008 for the PS3 and was able to check it out for about an hour before coming to work. It seems pretty nice...but I haven't been able to really experience the gameplay & master the new stuff that may or may not make it worth the effort. We shall see. If anybody's up for some one-on-one action, drop me a line...and I'd be happy to school you with anybody...even the Raiders. Okay, maybe that was a little bold...but still...I welcome all challengers...and am a gracious loser...I imagine.
Anything that you'd like to hear about on this blog? Any suggestions or comments or pictures, feel free to drop me a line. I have a few things that I'd like to say...but I'm not sure if you'd all be interested in my Theory of Evolution, ongoing series into the worlds of Dreams & Fears, Movies that I think Kick Ass, Conspiracies of the Day, and whatever else I pull out of my anus when I do these things...but until further suggestion, I shall continue to do what I do...and do it well. Hopefully, I'll have my laptop back soon so that I can do it at home. God I want to do it at the bedroom, on the stairs, over the couch, up against the wall, in the shower...wait, that would ruin the laptop, scratch that last one. Oh, scratch marks. I miss those too. I mean...ah hem...ahkem (clears throat), Gollum, Gollum, sorry about that. I blacked out. What happened?
Oh yeah, feel free to check out the videos on MySpace. I think that I've found some that will tickle your funny bone...and your mind...and at least one that tickle somewhere a little lower. Anyway, check it out...and have a great day!!!
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