Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Late Night Questionnaire

I'm what do I do when I'm bored? Answer questions. Usually about me. This is from a questionnaire that I received from JL Clyde a few weeks back...and am just now getting to reading. Here are responses to a few...because there was a lot...but my time is short before I go home. Enjoy...

1. Do you still talk to the person who gave you your first kiss?

Honestly, I haven't even thought about her in a long, long time. It was 5th grade, so about 15 years ago and she lived two houses down. Her name was Meghan...but I can't recall her last name. Something with a W...but now that I think about it, she's probably married to a doctor with 2.3 children and just an incredible woman...but I'm sure that I had absolutely nothing to do with that.

2. Is it harder to be rejected or to reject someone else?

I'm used to rejecting others on a basketball court all my life...but being rejected definitely hurts more. That may go to show that I'm selfish...but it's true. Luckily, my ego overpowers my emotions most of the time and my impulse is "Her loss" or something to that effect, so I move on. Next question...

3. What's the last thing you drank?

Mountain Dew Live Wire in a 20 oz. bottle

4. Have you been on a date in the past week?

Week & a half...but I'm hoping that we can go out again soon. She's a little flaky though. I don't like that much. If any of you ladies out there are interested though, let me know.

5. Where are you going on your next vacation?

St. Louis, Missouri in about three weeks. It should be grand. I'm still excited about the Gateway Arch & the Marvel Superheroes thing at the Science Center. I'm such a nerd.

6. Have you ever thrown up from working out?

What? Seriously? That's just weird. I know my limits. There has only been one thing that has managed to make me throw up recently...and that's good ol' alcohol. Luckily, not recently.

7. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?

I have my friends Isaihia & Andy (Spitsofrantic) that have been friends since the 2nd grade. My buddy Chris since 9th grade. Other than that, most of my friends are from school or work over the last few years. I have a healthy mix. Thanks guys & gals!!!

8. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didn’t know what was going on?

Only once - I was 18 and I drank a bottle of Jose Cuervo, 1/4 bottle of Green Apple Pucker, and about a 6 pack of Budweiser (This is a compilation of stories from my friends, by the way. I don't recall after the first few shots of tequila.) and from what I understand it was a sight to behold. Allegedly, I was blowing bubbles or something into the grass once when I fell, talked about my stepsister having MS, and vomited a few times. In the morning, I had my first hangover...which lasted FOUR DAYS (probably alcohol poisoning). How did I spend it? That morning, I wrote a poem to a girl that I took to prom the weekend earlier, that night went to my mom's & she tricked me into eating meatballs & drinking milk (the effect was awful), and the next few days I just rested up at her house. Day 3 - I went grouse hunting with my stepdad & stepbrother and actually bagged me a grouse they didn't see...while wearing pajamas. Day 4 - I woke up at 5 AM to try out for the University of Utah basketball team as a walk-on. I actually did okay considering...but the question came up among the players "Who smells like f**king Tequila?" The two hours of playing college level basketball worked the rest out of my system though. Sad, right?

9. Are you touchy-feely?

Regardless of that poem that I just mentioned, not really...but I like to be touchy-feely when the opportunity arises. A few ladies out there can confirm that I'm an 'active cuddler' but I don't let things offend me very easily.

10. Did you cry at your high school graduation?

No. I don't remember much honestly. It wasn't a huge thing because I started college shortly after...but we did some serious celebratory drinking. I looked sharp though.

11. Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?

I only tried tanning once...and I wasn't a big fan. The sun may cause cancer...but it also causes I guess it's a little give & take.

12. What are two of your favorite places to eat?

Mom's house & Lee's Mongolian Barbecue

13. What are your biggest pet peeves?

When you answer somebody's question...and they ask you it again. Not even bothering to mix up the words or anything, just adding " (question)?" "I just answered that. Would you like me to say it slower so that you can write it down this time? I would be happy to."

14. Do you consider yourself bi-polar?

Nope, we're definitely schizophrenic...but not bi-polar.

15. What's something your friends make fun of you for?

Let's was being a virgin until I was 24. Now, it's dating teenagers & girls that I work with. It's the girls that I meet though. As for the age thing, it seems the only girls that like me are 18 and under or 40 and up. Within my demographic, it's few & far between. If you think that I'm wrong, prove it. There's always been a lot of tall jokes too...but that's not nearly as easy as short people jokes.

16. What's your worst personality flaw?

I'm a little conceited...but then again, I'm a great guy. Ask anybody who knows me. I'm also very reluctant to make a first move, whether it's asking a girl out, moving to a different apartment, changing my haircut or wardrobe, making a movie, I kind of have to be pushed into doing it...or the forces of nature have to meet at a certain instant to create the perfect opportunity for me or something like that.

17. Have you ever gone to therapy?

Nope. Not yet. I don't need a doctor to tell me that I'm schizophrenic. I've got degrees on my wall at home. I can diagnose myself. I am Dr. Mookie Tockenbaut Love...among others.

18. Would you ever parachute off of a plane?

I would when the sun came up this morning if somebody offered to go with me. It's not just the reluctancy of making a move, I just want somebody to know where I'm at in case something happens & tell them where to find the mancake when I land.

19. Have you ever ridden an elephant?

Not yet. I've ridden a camel, but no elephants.

20. Are you Irish in any way?

I'm sure that in my European Mutt genetics there's a little Irish in there...but it's definitely not the drinking genes. Those are probably the 1/16th Ottawa that I mentioned earlier. King of all Irish pickup lines - "Have you got any Irish in ya, lassie? Do you want some?"

Anyway, I'll be back again in twelve hours or so. I hope that this insight into my psyche was both educational & horrifying. Feel free to ask me any other questions...and I'll do my best to answer them in a PG-13 manner...because honestly, you shouldn't be on the internet unless you're 13 years old. I don't care what MySpace says...good night!!!

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Where should I go next?