Thursday, June 21, 2007

Favorite Fears - Part 1 (A-D)

Call me an Oxy-Moron if you will, but here are a list of some of my favorite fears...and some that I didn't even know really existed until I visited

Agateophobia, Dementophobia, & Maniaphobia - Fear of Insanity - I live in constant fear of becoming insane...and it doesn't help at all. It's inebidabo. "What was that?" Inebidabo. "One more time." INEBIDABO, things are inebidabry going to change. Geez, open your f**king ears. (Brownie points)

Alektorophobia - Fear of Chickens - How ironic is it to be chicken of Chickens?

Alliumphobia - Fear of Garlic - Vampires beware!!! For your fear has a name!!!

Allodoxophobia - Fear of Opinions - "I thought that the English Patient was rather..." "AAAAAAGH!!!" "Okay, nevermind."

Ambulophobia, Stasibasiphobia, & Stasiphobia - Fear of Standing or Walking - Rory Calhoun surely didn't have this fear. (Brownie points for anybody else who gets the reference)

Anthrophobia & Anthophobia - Fear of Flowers - How would you like to find this one out on a first date? "Hi, I'm $teve. Here, I got you some..." "AAAAAGH!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"

Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of Peanut Butter sticking to the roof of your mouth - Yup, I really don't need to say much about that one.

Atelophobia - Fear of Imperfection - Man, do I feel sorry for those who suffer from this.

Aurophobia - Fear of Gold - Just an interesting one to me.

Autophobia - Fear of one's self - Wow!!! That could be tricky.

Bogyphobia - Fear of bogies or the bogeyman - "AAAAGH Boogeyman!!! Bart, I don't want to alarm you...but there may be a boogeyman...or boogeyMEN in the house."

Caligynephobia & Venustraphobia - Fear of Beautiful Women - Does this include fear of what you might do around beautiful women? I may have a mild case of this one. (Please disregard the earlier blog where I grabbed Angelina Jolie's breast. That was an isolated incident...unlike the fact that she's the most pictured person on MY blog. Weird, huh?)

Chaetophobia, Trichopathophobia, & Trichophobia - Fear of Hair - The source of all hippie violence.

Chinophobia - Fear of Chinese people & customs - Though I can't wait to go back to China, as you may have realized, I do have a little fear. They're just TOO NICE. They have to be planning something.

Cherophobia - Fear of Gaiety - Define gaiety in this sense.

Coitophobia & Genophobia - Fear of Coitus - Public Service Announcement: Everybody should see the Big Lebowski.

Coulrophobia - Fear of Clowns - Have you SEEN Stephen King's IT???

Cypridophobia & Cyprianophobia - Fear of Prostitutes or Venereal Disease - You all should be afraid!!! Unless of course you have better judgement. Just say no.

Decidophobia - Fear of Making Decisions - I'm not sure that I like this one.

Defecaloesiophobia - Fear of Painful Bowel Movements - Beto's Spicy Chicken Burrito. Face your fear!!!

Dishabiliophobia - Fear of Undressing in Front of Someone - NOT ME!!! Thank you God/genetics...and Ab Roller 3000.

Anyway, that's enough for now. There are many, many more...but I'm tired of typing right now. I'm a strong believer in facing your fears, so if any of you would like to overcome them, please let me know & I'll do what I can to help. Sometimes, all you need is a little support. Have a great day!!! Kenzie, I hope you feel better soon.


B. said...

"No no, that one guy. The guy that's always standing and walking!"

"Rory Calhoun?"

"That's the one."

$teve said...

Congratulations to B!!! Here's a handful of Brownie points. Use them wisely. Might I suggest the purple plastic Spider Ring???

Good to hear from ya, playa.

Where should I go next?